HP Prime for All

English  Русский 

Author: Edward Shore (original article)

Today's session is about starting other apps in a program and using colors.

Defining equations in the Program Editor and Home

The equation must be a string and be stored to the appropriate designated variable.

where # — is a digit 0-9.

Defining equations this way leaves them uncheck. If you want them plotted or accessed in Num View, you will need to check them.

F1:="2*X^3" stores the function f(x) = 2*x^3 in Function 1.

R5:="A*SIN(θ)" stores the polar function r(θ) = A*sin(θ) in Polar Function 5, with A being what value stored in it.


STARTAPP(application name in quotes);

Starts the named App. The calculator points the screen to the default view (Plot, Symb, Num).

Access: Cmds, 4. App Functions, 2. STARTAPP


Checks and unchecks specific equation or function (0-9) in the current app.
For example, if you are in the Function app, CHECK(1) activates F1.
As you should expect, UNCHECK(1) turns F1 off.

What does CHECK and UNCHECK affect?

  1. Whether a function is plotted in Plot view.
  2. Whether a function is analyzed in Num view.

Access for CHECK: Cmds 4(App Functions) 1(CHECK)

Access for UNCHECK: Cmds 4(App Functions) 4(UNCHECK)


STARTVIEW(ViewNumber): instructs the HP Prime to go to a certain view.
It has two arguments, the view number and a redraw number.
Common view numbers include (not all inclusive, full list available here):


The redraw number is either 0 or non-zero. 0 does not redraw the screen, anything else does.
I recommend the latter.

Access: Cmds 4(App Functions) 3(STARTVIEW)


RGB(red, green, blue, alpha): returns an integer code pertaining to a color's RGB code.
This is super useful for drawing and text writing.

RGB codes:

Tip: Change a color of a graph. Use the syntax: F#(COLOR):=RGB(red, blue, green, [alpha]);
F stands for the designated function type (F for function, R for polar, etc).
# — is the digit 0-9.
Example: F8(COLOR):=RGB(0,0,255)
makes the function F8 plot in blue.

For other colors, RGB can be found on various sites on the Internet, including Wikipedia.

Access: Cmds 2(Drawing) 5(RGB)

This is a lot, but this is doable. Let's see all these commands and tips in action and create some magic.

Conic Drawing for HP Prime

Draws the conic section for the general equation


You can choose the color how the conic section is plotted, from red, blue, orange, and green. (Game show enthusiasts take note of the order of the colors I listed... ;) ).

BEGIN LOCAL cr, cg, cb, I;
INPUT({A, B, C, D, E, F},
"Ax^2+By^2+Cxy+Dx+Ey+F", { }, { },
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0});

// Colors
CHOOSE(I, "Choose a Color",
"Red", "Blue", "Orange", "Green");
cr := {255, 0, 255, 0};
cg := {0, 0, 127, 255};
cb := {0, 255, 0, 0};

STARTAPP("Advanced Graphing");
V1 := "A*X^2+B*Y^2+C*X*Y+D*X+E*Y+F = 0";
V1(COLOR) := RGB(cr(I), cg(I), cb(I));
// Plot View

Below are some examples. Remember the form:


Screen Left Screen Right

Screen Left Screen Right

Screen Left Screen Right

Screen Left Screen Right

Projectile Motion for HP Prime

This program calculates range and height of a projectile, and plots its path.
The program sets the mode into Degrees (HAngle=1) and the calculator to the Parametric app.

x = V * cos θ * t
y = V * sin θ * t - .5 * g * t^2


Air resistance is not factored, so we are dealing with ideal conditions.
How much the projectile represents reality varies, where factors include the object being projected, the temperate and pressure of the air, and the weather.

// V, G, θ are global
// Degrees
HAngle := 1;

CHOOSE(M, "Units", "SI", "US");
IF M == 1 THEN str := "m";
G := 9.80665;
str := "ft";
G := 32.17404;

INPUT({V, θ}, "Data",
{"V:", "θ:"},
{"Initial Velocity in "+str+"/s",
"Initial Angle in Degrees"});

X1 := "V*COS(θ) * T";
Y1 := "V*SIN(θ) * T-.5*G*T^2";

// Adjust Window
Xmin := 0;
// Range
Xmax := V^2/G*SIN(2*θ);
Ymin := 0;
// Height
Ymax := (V^2*SIN(θ)^2) / (2*G);
MSGBOX("Range: "+Xmax+" "+str+", "+", Height: "+Ymax+" "+str);
// Plot View

Below are screen shots from an example with V = 35.25 m/s and θ = 48.7°.

Screen Left Screen Right

This concludes this session of the tutorials. Shortly I will have Part 6 up, which has to do routines.

I am catch-up mode, still. But then again I always feel like there is too much to do and too little time. LOL

Read Part 6 >
