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Simon games-app screenshot}}
Name Simon
Description Implementation of Simon Says, where you must repeat the pattern shown to you.
Author Tony Gallo

Source code (download):

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DrawGame(); DrawGreen(); DrawRed(); DrawBlue(); DrawYellow(); PlaySequence(); PrintCount(); sequence; //1-green, 2-red, 3-yellow, 4-blue EXPORT Simon() //Simon v1.0 //2014 //Tony Gallo //tgallo@tbaytel.com BEGIN local colorlist; local touch; LOCAL X, Y; local choice; local done; local start; local touchcount; local error; //title screen RECT_P(0, 0, 319, 239, 0, RGB(0, 0, 0)); TEXTOUT_P("SIMON", 135, 90, 2, RGB(255, 0, 0)); TEXTOUT_P("v1.0 2014", 130, 110, 1, RGB(255, 0, 0)); TEXTOUT_P("by Tony Gallo", 125, 130, 1, RGB(255, 0, 0)); wait(1.5); done := 0; WHILE (done == 0) DO //clear screen RECT_P(0, 0, 319, 239, 0, RGB(60, 60, 60)); //credits TEXTOUT_P("SIMON", 10, 5, 2, RGB(0, 0, 0)); TEXTOUT_P("v1.0 2014", 100, 6, 1, RGB(0, 0, 0)); TEXTOUT_P("by Tony Gallo", 250, 5, 1, RGB(0, 0, 0)); DrawGame(); sequence := ""; start := 0; TEXTOUT_P("Touch screen", 20, 35, 2, RGB(0, 0, 0)); TEXTOUT_P("to begin.", 20, 47, 2, RGB(0, 0, 0)); WHILE ISKEYDOWN(4) <> 1 and start == 0 do wait(.1); touch := mouse(); if size(touch(1)) then if touch(1, 5) == 0 then start := 1; end; end; END; if start == 0 then //must have pressed Esc return; end; //clear start message RECT_P(20, 35, 95, 60, RGB(60, 60, 60), RGB(60, 60, 60)); PrintCount(0); PlaySequence(); touchcount := 0; error := 0; WHILE ISKEYDOWN(4) <> 1 do touch := mouse(); if size(touch(1)) then if touch(1, 5) == 0 then X := B→R(touch(1, 1)); Y := B→R(touch(1, 2)); if 80 <= X <= 160 and 50 <= Y <= 130 THEN touchcount := touchcount+1; if MID(sequence, touchcount, 1) < > "G" then error := 1; end; DrawGreen(1); wait(0.25); DrawGreen(0); end; if 160 <= X <= 240 and 50 <= Y <= 130 THEN touchcount := touchcount+1; if MID(sequence, touchcount, 1) < > "R" then error := 1; end; DrawRed(1); wait(0.25); DrawRed(0); end; if 80 <= X <= 160 and 130 <= Y <= 210 THEN touchcount := touchcount+1; if MID(sequence, touchcount, 1) < > "Y" then error := 1; end; DrawYellow(1); wait(0.25); DrawYellow(0); end; if 160 <= X <= 240 and 130 <= Y <= 210 THEN touchcount := touchcount+1; if MID(sequence, touchcount, 1) < > "B" then error := 1; end; DrawBlue(1); wait(0.25); DrawBlue(0); end; if error == 1 then TEXTOUT_P("GAME OVER!", 248, 35, 2, RGB(0, 0, 0)); TEXTOUT_P("Press any", 252, 50, 2, RGB(0, 0, 0)); TEXTOUT_P("key.", 262, 65, 2, RGB(0, 0, 0)); break; end; wait(.1); if touchcount == DIM(sequence) then PrintCount(touchcount); wait(.2); PlaySequence(); touchcount := 0; end; end; end; END; wait(); CHOOSE(choice, "Play Again?", "Yes", "No"); if choice < > 1 then done := 1; end; END; END; DrawGame() begin local I; FOR I FROM 0 TO 90 DO ARC_P(160, 130, I, RGB(0, 0, 0)); END; FOR I FROM 0 TO 35 DO ARC_P(160, 130, I, RGB(140, 160, 180)); END; TEXTOUT_P("SIMON", 142, 115, 2, RGB(0, 0, 0)); DrawGreen(0); DrawRed(0); DrawBlue(0); DrawYellow(0); PrintCount(0); end; DrawGreen(lit) begin local green; if lit == 1 then green := RGB(0, 255, 0); else green := RGB(10, 185, 25); end; FOR I FROM 45 TO 80 DO ARC_P(160, 130, I, pi/2, pi, green); END; end; DrawRed(lit) begin local red; if lit == 1 then red := RGB(255, 0, 0); else red := RGB(255, 60, 40); end; FOR I FROM 45 TO 80 DO ARC_P(160, 130, I, 2*pi, pi/2, red); END; end; DrawBlue(lit) begin local blue; if lit == 1 then blue := RGB(0, 50, 255); else blue := RGB(10, 180, 255); end; FOR I FROM 45 TO 80 DO ARC_P(160, 130, I, pi+pi/2, 2*pi, blue); END; end; DrawYellow(lit) begin local yellow; if lit == 1 then yellow := RGB(255, 255, 0); else yellow := RGB(255, 255, 90); end; FOR I FROM 45 TO 80 DO ARC_P(160, 130, I, pi, pi+pi/2, yellow); END; end; PlaySequence() begin local rand; local color; local I; local pause; rand := RANDINT(1, 4); case if rand == 1 then color := "G" end; if rand == 2 then color := "R" end; if rand == 3 then color := "Y" end; if rand == 4 then color := "B" end; end; sequence := sequence + color; pause := 0.25 - (0.01*DIM(sequence)); if pause < 0.05 then pause := 0.05; end; FOR I FROM 1 to DIM(sequence) DO wait(pause); if MID(sequence, I, 1) == "G" then DrawGreen(1); wait(0.25); DrawGreen(0); end; if MID(sequence, I, 1) == "R" THEN DrawRed(1); wait(0.25); DrawRed(0); end; if MID(sequence, I, 1) == "Y" THEN DrawYellow(1); wait(0.25); DrawYellow(0); end; if MID(sequence, I, 1) == "B" THEN DrawBlue(1); wait(0.25); DrawBlue(0); end; END; end; PrintCount(number) begin RECT_P(145, 135, 175, 155, 0, RGB(0, 0, 0)); TEXTOUT_P(number, 155, 140, 2, RGB(255, 0, 0)); end;
